Thigh Lift


Thigh Lift (Thighplasty)

Thighplasty or more commonly referred to as thigh lift, is a procedure that results in slender and firmer thighs by removing excess skin and fat around the upper thigh. Generally people choose liposuction over thighplasty as thigh lift surgery could leave behind a prominent scar that is visible when wearing short clothing. Sagging and excess skin around the upper thigh can be due to weight oscillation or the aging process and exercise may be able to help only tone the muscle but may not get rid of the sagging skin. This is where thighplasty can help to get rid of the excess skin. Thighplasty improves the contour of the body. There are different types of thigh lifts and which one is suited for you depends on the amount of excess skin and fat that is to be removed, your skin quality and how far you want to go. For instance, a vertical thighplasty requires a vertical incision from the groin to the knee which would then result in a very prominent scar running from the groin area right up to the knee. If a scar is not acceptable to you then your surgeon at Transform can offer you a different option. At Transform the surgery is performed under general anesthesia and can take up to 3 hours.



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