Breast Enlargement
Breast Enlargement is a very common operation and the risks are minimal. The procedure starts with a consultation with a qualified practitioner, who will discuss a number of factors with you, and will also ask you to sign a consent form to prove that you are aware of the potential risks of the surgery, as well as the alternatives you might face. The surgeon will also examine your breasts for shape and size, before proceeding.
Generally, operations will last up to 1 ½ hours, and the patient is put under General Anaesthetic for the duration of the procedure. Patients are therefore sleeping through the procedure and do not feel any pain. Incisions are made on the underside of the breast, and are approximately 5cm long. As every body is different, your surgeon might recommend that your incision is done somewhere else, such as the armpit, or the lower edge of the areola.
The next step involves the Surgeon creating what is called a “pocket” for the implant to rest when it’s been inserted into the breast. Again, as every body is different – the placement of this pocket might vary, but the most likely position will be beneath your breast or perhaps under your chest muscle.This will be decided at the time of the initial consultation.
Afterwards, you will awake with some stitches, which may be dissolvable. If they’re not dissolvable, then you will be advised to come back into the hospital to have them removed approximately 7 days after the operation. You will also be advised to wear a sports bra 24 hours a day for a period of up to 3 months.
If you have drainage tubes when you awake, then these will be taken out the day following the surgery – before you are allowed to head home. You’ll notice that you’re breasts are firm and swollen at first – but this is normal – and given time (this may take up to a few weeks) they will start to feel more comfortable and they will develop a more natural position and feel. You might find that wearing a sports bra helps you feel more comfortable in these weeks.
Breast Implants
There are two options with regards to what type of breast implants you can have. The first is Silicone, which is widely used as they give a good natural shape, and Saline. There is plenty of information available to help you decide which is the best option, but your surgeon will be able to take you through the options when you have your consultation.