Breast Reduction Surgery


Breast Reduction Surgery

A breast reduction is an operation which involves removing excess fat and skin from the breasts. What follows is then a reshaping of the tissue to create a smaller breast, which is more pert looking. The last section of the surgery involves moving the nipples so that they look like they’re in a more natural position.

Unfortunately, like many operations such as this – there will be some scarring evident. – Whilst these will be visible permanently, they will improve in appearance during the months after the operation (immediately following the breast reduction surgery, they will appear large and pink but ultimately, they will become pale, thin white lines of scar tissue.

Many patients find that the small amount of scaring is not significant for them as they are so happy with the success of the breast reduction surgery, the scars become much less significant.

The actual breast reduction operation will normally take approximately three hours, although this might depend on a number of factors such as the size of the breast initially, and/or if there are any complications during the surgery.

Following breast reduction, it is more than likely you will not be able to breast feed given that the one part of the reduction surgery actually involves the nipple being separated from the tissue beneath is, and the re-integrated higher up on the breast.

Another outcome of the surgery on the nipple is that you may experience an element of loss of sensitivity to the nipple. In some cases, patients lose a significant amount of sensitivity to the nipple following breast reduction surgery.

To get the best results possible – it will be recommended that you wear a new sports bra for up to three months. This ensures that the shape stays as firm as possible, and that the healing takes place as fast as possible.

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